I just started bullet journaling and it's more complex than I thought... Well, I made it more complex.
If you want the how to a simple and fast bullet journal than there is nothing better than going to the creator site: http://bulletjournal.com/ Been there, done that LOL
I want to incorporate all the things I usually do daily and some extras, it's taking me some time to start it off and I will not be using it's "FULL POWER" because I started this week which is middle of the month and end of the year.
On Sunday, I did the year part:
- Resolutions
- Level 10 Goals
- Bills
- Movies of the Year
- 4 Month overview
- Recipe, Blog and Videos Ideas
I still haven't completed yearly pages all but I did a pencil doodle. The most important part is the month pages because with my normal planner - I love it a lot - I was spending to much time on it per week. This way I can cut down my time with two trackers.
A month tracker for all the little things I do daily and don't remember and another divided in two that tracks my ME TIME and HOUSEWORK or house chores. Like this, I just need to dot where I did it and not write everything down every day - as I did in the planner.
That leaves me a daily schedule that is more open and clean (because so many little things were taking up all the space and cluttering my mind) to write down the big things I need to get done. Now I can give attention to the important chores and also track my time so I can see where I'm using/loosing my time and re-organize every week as needed.
I'm trying to eat better and see where I'm over eating and there is just enough space on the weekly schedule for a meal log.
I took inspiration from:
- http://www.christina77star.co.uk/ (the fist girl I found) and also,
- www.alexandraplans.com
- http://www.bohoberry.com/ (very knowledge in the bullet journal art community)
- @showmeyourplanner
- to see others go to my Instagram account @nickafernandes
You can see some similarities between their bullet journals and mine. I'm loving it and I do feel I'm more productive with it but it's still very early to say if it truly works for me. (I will update you on that.)