quarta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2016
One NEW Thing and More of the Same FAVS - HAUL
This would be a repetition haul if it wasn't for the:
1. HOURGLASS - Incandescent Electra highlight. I saw it discounted and I just had to buy it. I don't have anything in my collection with this much shine. It's not glittery, just shine city in a natural and beautiful way, giving you a natural glow. I also love using it on the brow bone. Just amazing (I'm really late for this one but I'm happy I got it).
2. The DIADERMINE face day cream is #5 or #6 that I buy. It's always on discount, the price is great for the quality and it gives me just the amount of hydration I need without breaking me out. It makes my skin glow and I love this brand.
3.Kylie matte lipgloss in KOKO K is very beautiful. As I talked about the kylie lipglosses in my October Haul this is just as good. The colour is a bit lighter but as pretty and opaque on the lips. I still obsessed with DOLCE the letters and design have faded so much from the wear. KOKO is a bit lighter so if you like light nudes that that is the one for you. These KYLIE lipglosses are my favourite lipsticks of all time and if I'm not wearing any of these, I'm must have on a lip balm from DIOR that you know I love.
4. A dark blue gel nail polish from HELLO for the coming Winter. I love my blues so I just had to buy this sparkly almost black blue. The sparkles are not noticeable but in the sunlight or lights, it shines beautifully. Another of these great gel nail polishes for my collection.
Would you like to see a Hello nail polish collection? What are your favourite buys of the month?
quinta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2016
30 Days Challenge
I started a 30 days challenge on the first of November because the last few months I've not been going to the gym as regularly as I would like and it's making me a little sad. There is no best time to start something than now and I was trying to avoid procrastination this time (procrastination is something I do all the time and I need to just get rid of it in my life).
I'm thinking about doing this because I know I can do it! Last year, around the same time I started running and I felt great and I was killing all of these challenges. I just set my mind to it and did it. So if I did it once I can do it again! (If I do increase these numbers I will update you guys here but also if you want to see my everyday, or almost everyday, goals met, go to my Instagram @nickafernandes - a newer account)
I also would love to succeed at my running goal of this year which is running the 10k in less than one hour and you might think that is a small goal but for me, that will be huge. On the treadmill, I can and I already did it last year but outside, it's just a little bit harder. So let's go! I can do it! You can do it! Let's do it together.
This chart is just showing what I want to do workout wise but I am also doing two more which are related to my health and getting back on track with my yearly goals. Since we're getting towards the end of the ear I need to make sure that my goals are being met or at least trying my best to do so. These other two are no consuming sugar or coffee.
The sugar is the worst part for me because usually, I go 15 days without and then I'm like a junkie and feeling crazy if I don't eat a "bit" of chocolate (when I say a bit, I normally binge). This time I'm going for the entire 30 days and I know I can do it because I'm saying it isn't just for me but "for a greater good" (I don't want to discuss that at the moment, sorry) and that will help me get there. I will probably binge eat the next day (first, of December, let's see).
The coffee part is easier because I have been avoiding it for almost two years and I've been successful for the most part. I love coffee for its flavor as most of the food I eat and I can manage well without it but sometimes I just want to indulge. I want to get to this point with chocolate.
When I started cutting coffee I had headaches and I would feel sleepy but one thing that helped me with the sleepy part is drinking a smoothie every morning (another thing I'm getting back to doing every morning). Now when I don't drink coffee, it doesn't affect me as much.
There are so many things I want to get better at in my life that most of the time I feel overwhelmed but you have to start somewhere. So I'm starting on the things that I can do and that are most affecting me in life.
If you are reading this and want to join me, no matter that I already started, just tell me and/or follow me on my Instagram account - @nickafernandes and #fitnesschallengewithnicka on your Instagram photos and I will like them. I love seeing other people's progress because it incentives me too, and hopefully you will feel inspired too. See you there.
domingo, 30 de outubro de 2016
My First Haul on This Blog
I wanted to make the fist HAUL of this blog with my favourite things at the moment. I did buy some more products but these are the ones that stood out and were a bit different than usual and I am just in LOVE with all of them.
1. The BIOTEN night cream is amazing. If you don't already know, all of the bioten products I ever tried I love and this could not be ay different. This is a night cream and I have dry to combo skin so I love my night creams a little bit on the oily side but not too greasy that it might break me out. and this has just the right amount of oil and the anti ageing properties are visible with two or three usages.
2. Ultra Suave from the brand GARNIER is great and I always buy one or two hair masks when I go there but I saw this product and just because it smelled fantastic I had to buy it. I do love my leave in whatever makes my hair shiny and beautiful I always love to try out so it had to come home with me. I love it, not only it makes my hair smell amazing it is also great for the colder months ahead because you can use it to protect your hair from the heat even if it's still really wet. I usually go to the gym at night and almost every time, I wash my hair so this has saved my life trying it. I even think my hair drys faster when I blow it out with this product.
3. Laura Mercier is a brand I have in my collection for a long time now. The first product I bought was the translucent powder that is amazing and I use every day. This foundation has been on my list for a while now. Every time I use it people compliment me and ask what foundation it is. I apply it with my beauty blender dupe that I love and it looks flawless, lightweight and just blends like I have nothing on my skin. Now I just need to buy a lighter shade for the winter.
4. The KYLIE matte lip gloss and pencil were the first colour I bought - DOLCE. It's a dark nude that looks amazing in contrast to my pale skin. The colour is very pigmented so you need just a little bit, it will last me a lifetime. When you first apply it takes some seconds to dry and after, it just stays on all day. The texture and staying power is amazing, it is matte and non-transferable. I did the kissing my boyfriend test and drinking water too, it did not budge. It's not drying if your lips are in their normal state but I don't like to wear it more than three days straight because the fourth day my lips are a little dryer (normal for me whatever I'm putting or not on my lips). I have ordered more and I have even more in mind to order because they came out with a bunch of new colours this Autumn, I'm so excited
5. HELLO Gel Nail Varnish in the colour number 25 - Satin Pajamas - is a pinkish nude. I love nudes and I love these gel polish because the quality s fantastic at a great price, I recommend you check it out. On me these last more than a week which is amazing because there is no nail polish that lasts that long and these are nail polish prices. They also have different sets for those of you that don't have the UV light. I'm not sponsored, I just love it and I have bought other brands and for me, these are the best. I have a review on a set/kit from the same place HERE.
These are some of the products I bought this month and I have been using them non-stop since I got them. They can be also considered my favourites but I have some other products I want to add to that. I most probably do a video on that on my youtube channel
Tell me what is your favourite product that you last bought.
quinta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2016
TV Series Review: West World
West World is a new TV Series which my boyfriend and I started watching this month.
I saw the trailer and it just calls to me so I had to watch. It is based on a movie from 1973 and has the same background story. I have not seen the movie but now I'm interested. It's my type of series, in the sense, it's a thriller/terror where there is not a lot of dull moments and the actors are amazing too.
The surroundings of the takes are almost all in the "play town" where people go to have adventures and experience things that they can't in real life. It has some science fiction behind it with the artificial humans that habit the "town".
The other scenes (until now) are in the lab with the scientists and tech guys which also is very interesting and gives us a look at their life and questions ours (if we were in a similar position). Also, the "God" position of the creator(s) is quite intriguing, of course, the actor that interprets God is one of the best in my opinion - Anthony Hopkins and just him makes the series much richer and interesting. But there is a cast of actors that is "almost" as good.
You can't ask for more quality and I do think that at the moment there is no TV Series out there better. Of course, I still love Game of Thrones but it's not coming out at the moment and I also think that this is at the same level/could get to (because it's a baby at the moment) of elaboration and fantasticalness, it does have the field to grow far.
I do recommend vivadly, it's amazing. I would give it a 10/10 and let's see if it continues like this.
quinta-feira, 1 de setembro de 2016
Getting back to Yoga

After some most needed vacations, a lot of eating and doing nothing... or almost nothing. Now I need to get back to my workouts and all of the activity I can fit in my day-to-day to get rid of some of this vacation weight.
I love doing yoga in the morning but it has been harder to do it every day, even though I miss it a lot and my body does too, I find myself gravitating towards other things like weight lifting and arms and when they are tired I do a bit more arms...
Working out for me, can't feel like a chore or I wouldn't do it anymore. So I always do what I'm feeling that day with the conscious of rotating exercises for each muscle area ass much as I can but lately, I've been feeling that it's harder to rotate and I'm just doing one type of exercise and/or muscle area.
Now that the weather is cooler and I can feel a breeze from time to time I want to start running outside which I know I love and get really addicted to. Also, I want to do some yoga that isn't 15 minutes "stretching style" at the end of the day, I want a hole one hour routine where I can try to get to the next level and do positions I have never done before and those that, at the moment, are really hard, get them to flow better and stronger/longer.
I want these two to come back to my daily routine and then rotate the weight training that I do.
I'm all about starting new and I do my best to grab all these year round dates (the end of long vacations) to start again and get to my goals because the year has not ended so I can still reach them.
You all out there that get a little down when the end of the year looks near, just get back on your feet and every 1st day of every month is a new start or even of every week (If you can view it this way) is a new start so grab it and get to your goals of this year.
domingo, 12 de junho de 2016
Does the Military Diet Work?
Some weeks ago I went to a friend of mine wedding. It was a beautiful wedding and the food was good.
I had gain some kilos the early months of this year so I wanted to lose some fast for the wedding (their invitation got to us two months before the wedding). I went on line and found the Military Diet which I initially thought this is a joke because you can have ice-cream 3 days a week (on the diet) but, like always, I had to try it to really know what I'm talking about. I do eat a good amount of food (more than I should, to lose weight and some days I even eat more and that is one of the reasons my weight has been increasing) and this was decreasing drastically what I was eating but the food choices were food that I like and usually eat so I started it being careful and taking it slow.
On the first day at breakfast, you can have a coffee a toast with two tablespoons of peanut butter and a half a grapefruit. I did not have the coffee because I don't drink coffee so I had a barley instead (which is similar to coffee but without caffeine) and didn't have peanut butter or grapefruit so I just ate the toast without the peanut butter and instead of the grapefruit I ate a half of an orange (as you can see on the substitutes page).
I felt ok all morning but I did eat lunch at 11:40 because I was getting hungry and I like to eat lunch at 12 o'clock so it was a good time to get it in.
For lunch, I could drink another coffee and toast with a half a cup of tuna.
Again, I didn't have the coffee but the barley and the rest as they demanded.
At 15:00 hours I was hungry and I had already drunk one litre of water so I eat an apple because they allow that for dinner so I preferred to divide the food during the day and eat it when I was hungry. about an hour passed that I was feeling light-headed and this day was the worst to get pass of all the days that I did the diet. Keep in mind that I usually eat 2000 or more calories and I was eating less than 1500 so that was really low for me. then at about 16:40 I ate half a banana and at 18:50 I was famished so I ate dinner which consists of 85g of any meat and one cup of green beans. I had some stir-fried turkey breast with the green beans.
I did not go to the gym because I was feeling really blurry and slow but I did have my cup of walnut ice-cream which was a low calorie one.
On the second day for breakfast, I could have half of a banana, a toast and an egg. I just had the toast and a boiled egg on top and reserved the half of a banana for the evening. I felt ok all morning.
For lunch, I had the boiled egg and half of the cup of cottage cheese I was allowed with five crackers. I could not eat all of the cheese because I was full. I did eat it when I was hungry at 16:30 and on this day I went to the gym because I felt quite energetic all day, very different from the first day. I would say that was from not be use to so little kcals and this day my organism was ok with that amount of food. I did do a heavy workout and I did take 12 minutes more than usual but I was happy that I did not feel bad during all of it.
At dinner, I had two sausages a cup of green beans because I did not have broccoli at the moment.
As always I was so happy to eat the ice-cream that today was half a cup at about 22:30.
I did not have the banana because I did not need it.
On the third day, I could have an apple a slice of cheese and five crackers, for breakfast. I had the apple in the middle of the morning because I was a bit hungry and I did need it.
At lunch, I had a boiled egg and a toast like they said and I ate half a banana at 15:30. It was really hard this day, I did feel some hunger that I corrected with drinking three litres of water. This was the first time in a long time a drank this much water. I did not have stomach pain but I felt a little empty.
At dinner, I had a cup of tune and waited half an hour to eat the cup of ice-cream so I didn't go to bed with an empty belly.
Overall this day was good but I did not go to the gym and the good thing is that these days I was not with a lot of work or I could not do it as fast as normally because though I felt most of the time well it was a little blurry and I can't say it would be easy if I didn't love ice-cream as I do. When I was hungry I would think about the ice-cream I could have at the end of the day and the hunger would almost vanish (be tolerable).
Kilos I lost: They said you can lose from 2-10 pounds each time you do this three-day diet and I just lost 1.7 kilos (3.7 pounds). I think this is because I do have a lot of muscle (exercise regularly) and I already eat healthy so it is much harder to lose weight when you already have a good "diet" plan.
Then the next four days I ate more or less the same as I do but less portion-wise because I felt I did not need as much food to feel full as before.
I did do this diet two times more (three times in a month) and I did get into the dress I wanted. In total, I lost 3.8kg (8.3 pounds) but a week after coming back from the wedding and eating more or less normal. I did get 2kg back. I don't think that was bad because after attending a wedding and stretching my stomach out again I always increase my weight a little.
That was not the major problem but the lack of my period is a big problem.
I've been three weeks without it coming. I'm not pregnant and I had never been so much time without it coming since I got it for the first time. I'm a little worried and I do think that this diet was the biggest problem for that occurring as it was the only change in my life the last 2 months. I will be waiting for it to return but this leaves me thinking that this diet is really bad for your hormones and not just for diabetes (all that ice-cream tastes great but does not do your good things).
It makes you drink more water.
Decreases the size of your stomach.
You will be recompensated for the lack of food all day with ice-cream (not really a good thing though - I have mixed ideas still)
You lose weight (it can be water weight but still it's a loss and if you need that small push to get on the healthy road then maybe it's ok)
You feel blurry (good just for when you're on vacation or doing nothing).
You feel a lot of hunger the first day of the first time.
The last day is always hard.
You eat too much sugar - ice-cream, so you will crave it on the other four days you aren't on the diet.
Your body thinks it's in hibernation mode or starvation mode if you do this more than one time, that is why the second and third time it wasn't so hard.
It sends you mixed signals about food because you're not eating unhealthy but then you eat ice-cream which is empty calories...
I did not get my period (it just came 3 weeks after - finally).
Rating: 2/5 mostly because of the lack of period.
Do I recommend? No, this has more cons than pros and you can't live and function whether you're a student or a worker this is not enough calories for a person to function normally. Every "diet" should become a lifestyle for your to have success on it and you should love everything about it. Also, it should be 80% healthy 20% not so healthy and it's more than 25% unhealthy with all that ice-cream.
Tell me in the comments what is/was the best diet you tried??
sexta-feira, 10 de junho de 2016
All About Nails: Loving Gels
This year I just went on the hunt for a gel kit because I wanted something long lasting and I love doing my nails at home so why not get my own gel manicure kit?!
I got a great kit online for a fantastic price and I was amazed by the wear I got out of my nails. I have never done a gel manicure before and I thought that, on most people, normal nail varnish lasts so this will maybe last me a day or two without chipping. But I was amazed because I was washing dishes and cleaning with them and it lasted me a whole week and I didn't even know how to apply it well. I let it go on to my skin a little on my thumb.
I got a kit with four different colours of gel polish: cream, coral-red, bright blue, dark grey. Got a base coat and a top coat. Some cuticle pushers and some gel wipers. Also, the lamp which is small for the entire hand but I can do three at a time. Also came with a nail file and metallic peeler because this is the peeling type of gel polish. I do not use the gel wipers because I prefer just using some alcohol and a piece of tissue paper the gel wipers are a little bit of a fuss to take out of the packaging and also don't work as well.
How I apply: I buff my nails with the soft file that came with the kit, it is much more gentle than any file I have. I wipe the powder and oils of with some tissue paper soaked in alcohol and let it fastly air dry. I do prefer doing one hand at the time. After the alcohol has evaporated I star with the gel base and I try to apply very finally. I use to use a heavy hand with my normal nail polish but for this, it is very important to use fine coats so the gel polish doesn't bubble up. Then I curate it under the machine for 30 seconds. On the site it sais you can do 10 seconds for the base coat and the top coat but the machine only does 30 second intervals on, it's just more 20 seconds so it's really fast leaving it the whole time and it does not do a difference for the look or applying the other coats of gel polish. Next step is choosing a colour which for me it's always difficult because I love to wear different colours all the time but I do gravitate towards the nudes (as you can see in the pic). For this nude colour you need two to three coats and for the brighter colours just one or two will do, just do a fine coat and curate between coats and it's fine. Finally, you can put your top coat and seal everything in. Curate and wipe with some tissue soaked with alcohol and the last step is putting some cuticle oil or cream so your nails last longer because gel polish drys your nails more than normal nail polish and when they are too dry the gel polish tends to come off faster. I try to put some hand cream every day at least once.
It's faster to apply.
I love doing my nails at night so I have no more streaks from the sheets.
I can do stuff immediately after I apply them.
They last four times more than normal polish (lasts for about 8 days with heavy washing your hands).
It helps my nails grow longer without breakage.
They look shinier and polished than normal nail polish.
The smell, it's a bit intense so I try to do it in larger spaces like my living room and not my bedroom.
You have to be really careful to not put a thick coat or it will bubble up and I use to put thick coats with my normal nail polish so it's a bit harder for me.
The lamp could be a bit bigger. It fit perfectly 3 fingers but I would prefer the whole hand.
When you peel the nail polish sometimes a fine layer of you nail skin also comes off. So I do like to give two or three days of rest between gel applications (but sometimes I can't bother and I have used it about 10 times and my nails look great).
I did buy some more colours but I saw another brand and thought maybe it would be the same but it is not. I still love the colours I got and I also go the matching top and bottom coats because maybe it might not be right to use with the other brand but I was mistaken because the base and top coat of this Bling gel polish is POOOO and they come off in the same day. So I tried it with the Hello brand from Rosalind's store and it's looking better but I think it won't last the eight days, maybe five. I bought this other brand because it had more colours in the collection and it also was cheaper but I think it's not worth the money if you can't have the use of the other why bother putting chemicals on your nails.
Rating: Hello Gel Polish - 5/5 - Bling Gel Polish - 2.4/5
Do I recommend it? I recommend buying the Hello kit if you're a beginner like me and don't have anything but if you have the curating machine then I would just recommend the gel nail polish and most definitely the base and top coats because they're the best I've used.
terça-feira, 7 de junho de 2016
My favourite new SHOES from Seaside
I went to Seaside to exchange a pair of shoes that I bought for my mother and they didn't fit her, so I got these. The last time I was there I looked at them and they were full price and I thought to myself "I would LOVE to get a pair of these!" at the same time thinking that they wouldn't come on sale till later on but for my surprise they were in SALES 50% off and I had to get them.
There are other colours and I almost wanted to get the pink version but it was a too light pink for me to keep nice and clean. I have a problem with light coloured shoes, they always get dirty really fast. But I still have to find a dark pink shoe for my collection and I think it will be this year because from what I could see there were a lot of colours there and I would buy them all! I'm a little addicted to shooOOoOES.
I thought these would be a bit hard to balance and also a bit rough on my feet but they are double padded - as many of the shoes I have bought in Seaside - making them really soft for my sensitive feet. Also, the sole is not entirely complete and I thought that would be negative but the only thing that might make a difference is when I'm driving, I need to be more careful angling my foot on the break the rest is just like a normal platform which is very comfy.
I love the gold studs and the black swede just makes them look edgier, them that crazy soul just wraps it all together making them really fun to look at. I love having comfy shoes and when they can be attractive too I just need to have them.
I have a "display" - wall of shoes - in my apartment's corridor and I need to add two or three more shelves so I can buy more SHOES, If you are a shoe addict like me you will certainly know the feeling of wanting more colours and shapes because your collections not complete (it will never be complete - that is more correct to say!). I already have the shelving just need my boyfriend to help me (it's more vice-versa) installing it.
Just so you know: my legs are looking a little crazy because of my CAT, when she gets stressed out with the other cats and I don't help her get them out of our balcony she gets jealous and takes a bite. Those scratches are bites and not nail scratches. Also, I was pale and did not use this week the St. Moriz tanning mousse that I speak of in my May Favs on my youtube channel, if you want to go take a peek.
What is your favourite pair of shoes, TAG it to me on Instagram @nickapaulo .
segunda-feira, 6 de junho de 2016
My pets and FOFAS
My CAT is the most amazing creature I have ever had!
I've had a bunch of cats in my life. Living part of my childhood and all of my teen years in a village here in Portugal, I have had the pleasure and luck to have had different domestic animals. I always loved CATs since I was very little. I still remember the happiness I felt when I received my first cat. At that time, I didn't know anything about cats, just that I loved them a lot.
My first died really young and I felt really sad.When we got a new house I got a cat with it which has really fantastic because as an only child it's good to have other people and animals to grow with.
This second cat I would treat her like a queen. I would bath her - BICHITA - brush, feed (sometimes like a doll) and even sleep with her (wich my mother hated because at that time I had breathing problems and she did make it worse). I still love her a lot and miss her but she died some years ago from old age. She was 23 years old.
I did have other cats in between, her sons and adoptive ones too but she was always my princess.A little bit into going to university I got a dog but she died and I was very sad and even a bit traumatized from it. It was a very sad death and it still bothers me a lot.
When my boyfriend and I got an apartment we also got a cat and we called her: BIANCA. She came to us with 15 days which was very small so we gave her milk with a bottle and David - my boyfriend - was great with her. He had great "parenting skills" and I was very happy with that. When she was older, she became fearless and walked on top of our balcony we would have our hearts in our hands every time she did that. She was a very active CAT and did not like to be in the apartment so we decided to take her to my parents. She lived there like the queen, after BICHITA died. She would rule and no cat would enter without her permission, even dogs. She did live a shorter life but a happy one. You can really tell when a pet is happy in its habitat, being outside was just what she loved.
The cat you see in the pics, we got her a little after we left BIANCA at my parents. She was abandoned and mistreated so my mother brought her home and when I saw her, it was love at first sight so I brought her to the apartment and to show my boyfriend. I was a little afraid she did not like to be in an apartment as per normal pets like to be outside most of the day, but we had so much luck and FOFAS (my cat's name) loves being inside. Like all pets, she does go outside from time to time but she is so afraid of everything that after 10-15 minutes of eating some grass and sniffing she runs back home.
We do put a collar and a leash on her but she does not mind at all. She knows when I pick her collar that it's walking time and comes running.
The thing she loves most is laying in the sun on top of my working table and the second best is liking her fur until it's all shiny and smoth then me and my boyfriend rubb it and she is liking all over again.
I could not be happier for having this cat she is just perfect for us and she is a replica of me so I love her even more.I never thought I could have a pet so similar to me and that would love to stay at home as FOFAS does.
The thing that brakes my heart is that I do not have a little FOFAS. I'm going to miss her so much when she dies but hopefully, she will live a long and happy life with me!
I would love to hear about your pet(s) in the comments.
sexta-feira, 3 de junho de 2016
Things I want to buy: Chloe Drew Sholder Bag in Grey
I've been eyeing this all Fall and Winter so after loving an item for so long I think I will finally get it. I always do this "game" with things that are really out of my budget ($1,560) not just to be certain I love it and will use it to death but also because it's a little less when it's in SALE if you don't know... I LOVE SALEs. I need to get a t-shirt with that written on it!
I always loved small bags and lately I've been loving shoulder bags so much. I used a clutch at a wedding and a handbag on Easter the rest of the time I've been rotating between four shoulder bags this whole year. So I do think this is just perfect.
Still a little torn between the mini and the small but maybe I'm getting the small just because of the zipper, what do you think?
I'm choosing the grey color because it's neutral and goes with everything but also because if it would be white or cream I would get it dirty really fast like the last cream bag I bought. Also, I did not want to go with black because I want it to stand out when I'm wearing it and I usually am dressed in black.
Now that I'm totally convinced it's my favourite I will be hunting it down and trying to get the best price I can.
What are you loving?
Tv Series Review: Nurse Jackie
Nurse Jackie is rated a comedy tv series just because it's about half an hour but really it's all about a nurse that deals with harsh life problems and copes with it by abusing drugs. It has some comedy parts but I would classify it a drama because all of the life dramas it describes. The first season will rail you in but the second and third are a little slow. It does pick up the pace on the fourth.
I still haven't seen it all but there are seven seasons and it ended in 2015.
In my opinion: It is very oddly written and shows a side many people wouldn't think about. I have been seeing it non-stop because it's short and you always want to see what comes next. I'm excited to see some more episodes today. I recommend for light seeing, having in the background or even before going to sleep because if you fall asleep you will have a review of the "action" parts on the next episode. My boyfriend is seeing about 5 or 6 episodes and he gets almost all of the story. After reading that maybe you are not that inclined to see it but just check out the first 2 episodes and comment down bellow telling me what is your opinion. I think 2-3 episodes suffices to have an opinion on this series.
My rating: 7/10
Review: Olay Total Effects 7-in-1 Anti Ageing Foaming Cleanser
I LOVE Olay products and this one had a lot to offer by being a Foaming Cleanser with 7 in 1 Anti Ageing benefits, I just had to try it out.
I have dry to combo skin so I always gravitate to cream cleansers also loving some beads to exfoliate some of my nose blackheads
Olay Claims: Enjoy a luxurious way of cleansing your skin with Olay Total Effects 7-in-1 Anti ageing Foaming Cleanser that imparts a glow to your skin and gives you freshness.
Washes Away Impurities Washing away impurities from the pores of your skin gently, this cleanser leaves you with super soft and healthy skin.
Removes Dirt, Oil and Makeup Get rid of every trace of make-up and dirt with regular use of this face wash that leaves you with fresh and clean skin.
Ideal for All Skin Types This face wash is ideal for all skin types and does not cause any rashes or skin irritations.
Gives Fresh and Younger Looking Skin Get a youthful look by cleansing your face with this face wash that endows you with fresh, firmer and younger looking skin.
Lifts away Dull Surface Skin Revealing radiant skin, this cleanser removes dull skin from the surface.
My Review: The packaging of this olay cleanser is a fuss-free plastic tube with a flip-top cap which is easy to use, carry and squeeze out. The face wash is pearly white in color, with a some blue beads. The cream does not foam up but it leaves your skin really smooth and hydrated. I only need a little bit to get a baby bum skin. The beads are not harsh and leave your nose free from blackheads and skin prepped for makeup. I was not expecting to love it this much. My face was radiant, squeaky clean without being stretchy or dry and every tiny bit of makeup (concealer, powder, lipstick) had vanished smoothly. The fragrance bothers me a little bit but if you like clean smells this is just up your ally, if you are like me do not worry because it vanishes in a few minutes. My usually sensitive skin did not break out at all and lately, this is the only cleanser I have been using twice a day!
The pros:
Smart, sleek convenient plastic tube packaging with a secure flip-top cap
Smooth and creamy which spreads smoothly on damp skin
Easy to wash off- removes oil and makeup
Skin looks and feels hydrated, radiant, bright and healthy!
No drying out or stretching of skin
Did not break my skin out
The cons: The smell but not really
Rating: 4.5/5
Do I recommend? It claims a bunch and delivers it perfectly. It is great for all skins even my sensitive one without making it breakout and/or striping it . I will be repurchasing more when it ends. Do try it out, you will love it!
I have dry to combo skin so I always gravitate to cream cleansers also loving some beads to exfoliate some of my nose blackheads
Olay Claims: Enjoy a luxurious way of cleansing your skin with Olay Total Effects 7-in-1 Anti ageing Foaming Cleanser that imparts a glow to your skin and gives you freshness.
Washes Away Impurities Washing away impurities from the pores of your skin gently, this cleanser leaves you with super soft and healthy skin.
Removes Dirt, Oil and Makeup Get rid of every trace of make-up and dirt with regular use of this face wash that leaves you with fresh and clean skin.
Ideal for All Skin Types This face wash is ideal for all skin types and does not cause any rashes or skin irritations.
Gives Fresh and Younger Looking Skin Get a youthful look by cleansing your face with this face wash that endows you with fresh, firmer and younger looking skin.
Lifts away Dull Surface Skin Revealing radiant skin, this cleanser removes dull skin from the surface.
My Review: The packaging of this olay cleanser is a fuss-free plastic tube with a flip-top cap which is easy to use, carry and squeeze out. The face wash is pearly white in color, with a some blue beads. The cream does not foam up but it leaves your skin really smooth and hydrated. I only need a little bit to get a baby bum skin. The beads are not harsh and leave your nose free from blackheads and skin prepped for makeup. I was not expecting to love it this much. My face was radiant, squeaky clean without being stretchy or dry and every tiny bit of makeup (concealer, powder, lipstick) had vanished smoothly. The fragrance bothers me a little bit but if you like clean smells this is just up your ally, if you are like me do not worry because it vanishes in a few minutes. My usually sensitive skin did not break out at all and lately, this is the only cleanser I have been using twice a day!
The pros:
Smart, sleek convenient plastic tube packaging with a secure flip-top cap
Smooth and creamy which spreads smoothly on damp skin
Easy to wash off- removes oil and makeup
Skin looks and feels hydrated, radiant, bright and healthy!
No drying out or stretching of skin
Did not break my skin out
The cons: The smell but not really
Rating: 4.5/5
Do I recommend? It claims a bunch and delivers it perfectly. It is great for all skins even my sensitive one without making it breakout and/or striping it . I will be repurchasing more when it ends. Do try it out, you will love it!
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