quinta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2016
30 Days Challenge
I started a 30 days challenge on the first of November because the last few months I've not been going to the gym as regularly as I would like and it's making me a little sad. There is no best time to start something than now and I was trying to avoid procrastination this time (procrastination is something I do all the time and I need to just get rid of it in my life).
I'm thinking about doing this because I know I can do it! Last year, around the same time I started running and I felt great and I was killing all of these challenges. I just set my mind to it and did it. So if I did it once I can do it again! (If I do increase these numbers I will update you guys here but also if you want to see my everyday, or almost everyday, goals met, go to my Instagram @nickafernandes - a newer account)
I also would love to succeed at my running goal of this year which is running the 10k in less than one hour and you might think that is a small goal but for me, that will be huge. On the treadmill, I can and I already did it last year but outside, it's just a little bit harder. So let's go! I can do it! You can do it! Let's do it together.
This chart is just showing what I want to do workout wise but I am also doing two more which are related to my health and getting back on track with my yearly goals. Since we're getting towards the end of the ear I need to make sure that my goals are being met or at least trying my best to do so. These other two are no consuming sugar or coffee.
The sugar is the worst part for me because usually, I go 15 days without and then I'm like a junkie and feeling crazy if I don't eat a "bit" of chocolate (when I say a bit, I normally binge). This time I'm going for the entire 30 days and I know I can do it because I'm saying it isn't just for me but "for a greater good" (I don't want to discuss that at the moment, sorry) and that will help me get there. I will probably binge eat the next day (first, of December, let's see).
The coffee part is easier because I have been avoiding it for almost two years and I've been successful for the most part. I love coffee for its flavor as most of the food I eat and I can manage well without it but sometimes I just want to indulge. I want to get to this point with chocolate.
When I started cutting coffee I had headaches and I would feel sleepy but one thing that helped me with the sleepy part is drinking a smoothie every morning (another thing I'm getting back to doing every morning). Now when I don't drink coffee, it doesn't affect me as much.
There are so many things I want to get better at in my life that most of the time I feel overwhelmed but you have to start somewhere. So I'm starting on the things that I can do and that are most affecting me in life.
If you are reading this and want to join me, no matter that I already started, just tell me and/or follow me on my Instagram account - @nickafernandes and #fitnesschallengewithnicka on your Instagram photos and I will like them. I love seeing other people's progress because it incentives me too, and hopefully you will feel inspired too. See you there.

NickaPaulo / Author & Editor
My name is Nicka if you haven't seen the title, truely that is the shorted version of my name: Veronica. I have been writting for at least 12 years because I've been always passionate about it... This blog is a near twin for my youtube channel.
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