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quarta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2018

Resolutions for 2018


This year hopefully is going to better than last year… and that is not going to be hard.

I won’t be doing a written review of my last year because it’s just going to bug me and I’ve already thought about it when I wrote these down on paper. Yes, I love writing on paper too.

So let’s just get started with the resolutions I have for the year of 2018 and some of the breakdowns to achieve those resolutions:

1. RUN my first 10K race: run 5k in less than 30 minutes; run 3x per week; go to the COIMBRA colour run and then do the EDP 10k run in October.

2. EAT BETTER: I was eating ok for a while but with all the stress of late I’ve just reverted to my old ways and put on too much weight for my knees so I want to get back to – eating less processed food; eating less processed sugar; eat more vegetarian and even go all vegetarian (with some cheat meals); I'll be doing some monthly challenges and posing them here on my blog so click on the newsletter to receive notifications in your e-mail.

3. GET FIT: This is the ideal year to get fit because I put on 12 pounds really fast and that usually means I’ll get it off really fast which usually is not good but these are stress pounds so they fall off when I’m not stressed. I haven’t started anything really serious and I’m down 1 pound in less than a week so I think that is a good start. And I said that is was a good time to start losing real weight because I’ll have the easy incentive of those stress pounds sheading and also I can gain a lot of muscle still losing weight. I want to control my portions and reduce until I feel comfortable because I love food and I can’t live eating just one type of thing, so no diets for me. Exercising 5x per week and going in the morning and evening – I started that in November and I saw that even with 30 minutes in the morning and another in the evening my body was transforming. Slow and steady wins the race, in this case; In January do 8000 steps per day and then up it to 10k. I’m already failing this one because day 2 and 3 it was really low, but I’ll compensate; Lose 13kg – I would like it to be a bit more but that is my happy weight.I'll be doing some monthly challenges and posing them here on my blog so click on the newsletter to receive notifications in your e-mail.

4. LEARN a “new” LANGUAGE: I’ve been using Duolingo, an app, really cool to get my French better because it’s a bit rusty and I understand ok but I don’t talk and when I do I pronounce words like I write them and that is not ok. So every day I do some little tests and it takes 5-15 minutes per day which is fun and not time-consuming.

5. VISIT 2 COUNTRIES: last year we went to Madeira which is my country and we went to Marseille, France. I’ve already gone to France 3 or 4 times but it’s very nice to see other regions. This year I don’t have anything in mind yet but I would love to go to London again so maybe not 2 NEW COUNTRIES but still, two countries would be nice.

6. GET SOCIALS UNDER CONTROL: I need to do a timetable where I can fit my socials every day and do something on them every day because they always get out of control and I don’t reply as soon as I want to comments or I don’t publish when I want to and say.

7. TRAIN MY CALIGRAPHY: I love writing and now that I have been bullet journaling for more than a year I want to learn how to properly write. My handwriting is ok but I just want to know how to do calligraphy and use a brush it just looks so pretty.

8. DECLUTTER MY LIFE: I’ve been reading Marie Kondo’s books and it has opened my eyes to not be constantly cleaning and have everything clean all the time. The way is to declutter everything I can and want, leaving me just with what makes me happy and sparks joy. We are changing places so that is going to make things go even faster. When I put things in my new apartment I will just leave the things I really want and LOVE. When I’m done with my home, I’ll start with my mom’s.

9. HELP OUT MY PARENTS: I want to help out more my parents because they are getting older and they need my help around the house so I will be putting aside a weekend per month to help them and do some stuff around their house. I still need to the list of things to do but there are always things popping up.

10. DO MORE DIYs: I love painting and I want to start creating something and seeing how they come out because when I was younger I would love to draw and paint and do crafts. Also, I need to get some furniture revived and that counts too. I’ve already done the list now I need to establish the days to work on the projects.

11. MAKE A NEW RECIPE EVERY MONTH: I’ve already got some in my new recipe book and I’m really excited. I did write down more than twelve though, I’m certain I’ll do more.

12. TRY MEDITATION: Start mornings with 5 minutes every three days and grow to 15 minutes per day. I have not started this one, I’ve forgotten if I’m truthful it’s just something that slips my mind but lately I’ve been really stressed and I see everyone saying that it changes your day. It keeps you more relax and centres you.

13. DECORATE OUR NEW HOME: with the DIYs I talked about in 10. and buy some decorations that spark joy. I need to do the wish list and then cut from it and buy something nice every month (maybe).

14. READ 10 BOOKS: I’ve been reading Marie Kondo’s books and I haven’t finished but I’m loving them and I love reading stuff that makes me grow and think so I want to invest in that and put some time every week to do that. On Sunday I think will fit perfect even those weekends I’m not home I can use READ ALOUD and “podcast” the book.

15. RENOVATE and START A STORE SITE: Now that I started decluttering, I’ve been wanting to sell some stuff but I wanted somewhere more personal and I do sites for others why not do something for me. I code a lot so when I need to update something for me I just drag it or not do it at all. My site doesn’t generate me money so I don’t give it as much attention and I want to change that because EVERYTHING IN OUR LIFE SHOULD BRING US JOY.

16. LEARN A NEW SKILL: This is related to my job and me wanting to grow every year. Last year I didn’t learn any new skill but the year before I learnt two so this year I want to get at least one and update also two other skills. In the era of the computers if you stop learning you will fall behind and it’s also fulfilling learning new things.

17. BE MORE POSITIVE: I'm usually a very positive person but lately, with all the stress (I will be talking more about that if I haven't yet in the resolutions video - COMMING SOON) I've been feeling out of myself, Like I changed to a grumpy person. This did make my family and boyfriend more positive but it's just not me. I just want to get to my ZEN personality and I do think after this experience I will be an even more controlled and balanced person.

I have one more resolutions but I’ll keep those to me until the release. This also keeps you on your feet and coming back, or not.

Tell me what are your resolutions for this year and if you have started any already.

NickaPaulo / Author & Editor

My name is Nicka if you haven't seen the title, truely that is the shorted version of my name: Veronica. I have been writting for at least 12 years because I've been always passionate about it... This blog is a near twin for my youtube channel.


Created By Veronica Costa, Coprights @ 2016