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sábado, 16 de fevereiro de 2019

FEBUARY Running Playlist


I want to try something new and share here a PLAYLIST every month. When I have the time I love going on SPOTIFY and listen to some new songs it suggests me too. When I LOVE a song I add it to a list. I usually have a GYM/RUNNING list and another activity list (cleaning, reading, GYSTing...). I love finding new songs and getting addicted to them during the month.

Last year I started doing one for running every month then I got into other types of lists and towards the end of the year, I just listened to other peoples lists (another great way to find undiscovered - for me - music that I come to love).

As much as I hate cold weather and short gloomy days, I'm trying my best to work out every day and run outside every day I have a chance. A new interesting RUNNING list always helps.

I still don't which one is my favourite but by the end of the month, I will have the song that makes me RUN HARDER... FASTER and that will be my favourite for sure.

This was a good month because Ariana Grande released her new album and it sounds quite good.

I invite you to listen to this PLAYLIST and my others and tell me in the comments which are your favourite.

NickaPaulo / Author & Editor

My name is Nicka if you haven't seen the title, truely that is the shorted version of my name: Veronica. I have been writting for at least 12 years because I've been always passionate about it... This blog is a near twin for my youtube channel.


Created By Veronica Costa, Coprights @ 2016