domingo, 28 de outubro de 2018
Fall Bucket List || 2018
Today everything is going slow and work is not wanting to get on track so I'm pausing to de-stress and write what is on my head and how I'm feeling...
My favourite season is FALL and I also love Spring but a bit more Fall because of Halloween and also Christmas is so near you can almost smell it.
I never do Bucket Lists specific for a Season but this year I just need the extra push and pick me up because I'm feeling drained and I have a lot to do before Christmas.
1. Decor for Halloween.
I do this every year because it's one of my favourite holidays. I've been buying stuff every year, adding to my collection of cute and spooky around the house nick-nacks. I have two bins of Christmas stuff and one bin of HALLOWEEN, that is how much I love it!
2. Perfect my pumpkin bread recipe.
I've been trying to make pumpkin bread without flour because I'm gluten intolerant and I don't like the no gluten flour - it seems to make me bloat the same. I've tried it out with oat flour and it became a sort of a pudding. Next time I'm trying chickpeas
3. Buy some new leggings to work out in.
This is already done by the time I post this. I'm thinking they have to be an autumn colour because I always buy black, high-waisted and cover my ankles. They also have to be warm so I can use them all winter or until the SALES.
4. Drink hot tea or lattes every night before bed.
Yesterday I did a tea for David and a latte for me. It just warms me up and I feel all cosy watching a movie (Ant-Man and The Wasp). Also, preps me for a good night sleep which has been difficult these last weeks. There is always something and this last week it was the wind, my parents have no electricity or phone and I could not contact them for days.
5. Cut my hair.
After going to Algarve and swimming with seaweed it just made me pull out all of my hair getting it out so it's really fine at the moment. I love giving it a trime in the FALL because it falls out a lot during these months and I want my hair to be beautiful for December (something important coming up in December so subscribe to my newsletter because it's free and/or to my youtube channel, I'll be announcing it everywhere soon!)
6. Go for walks in the park.
I love to walk at night in the park. It has been the best thing moving to this apartment among a lot of others. I have a new phone game POKEMON game which makes me want to walk more so our 10-30 minute walks are more like 1-2 hour walks at the moment. It's good but our series and movies are getting pushed and also dinner time is a bit too late for my liking.
7. Fireplace lite.
My and David love our fireplace and when it becomes a bit colder when can light it. This apartment is warm even in the winter so we don't need it just yet but I do want to make one or two fires just to see it lite for a little while.
8. Buy some new pillows for the Living room.
I want some SEASONAL pillows that I can change the covers from time to time but I'm so picky that I never buy any. I have my outdoor furnisher in my living room, at the moment because I don't want it to go bad in the rain. I want to tye them in with the grey and brown going on but IT'S GREEN and I have always been a little hesitant to buy green anything for the living area. We have some plants there and I always have some flowers but having green pillows or chairs was a no-no. Since I got the outdoor furniture, GREEN has been growing on me and I'm finally thinking of getting some green pillows. What do you think? Black (TV, TV stand, fireplace, table and shelves), grey (chairs and coffee table), brown (sofa/couch), white (floor and walls) and now GREEN... Is it too much?
9. Watch Nightmare Before Christmas and if possible the new Grinch movie.
I love Halloween and when it's movies that make Halloween and Christmas dance together I just need to see them all. If you have a favourite tell me in the comments because I've might not have seen it.
So these are the main things I want to do this FALL. I did some of these last Fall and I loved them so much I just had to add them on the list (1, 3 and 4). What is your bucket list for FALL? What is your favourite thing from this SEASON that you always do?
Have a beautiful day doing what makes you happy.

NickaPaulo / Author & Editor
My name is Nicka if you haven't seen the title, truely that is the shorted version of my name: Veronica. I have been writting for at least 12 years because I've been always passionate about it... This blog is a near twin for my youtube channel.
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